Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Deja Vu
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I blew up on my boyfriend the other day, from the unreasonable anger bottled up against my brother. I have managed to train myself to bottle up my anger against him, and let it go on my boyfriend or myself. It's horrible. I should 'forgive' but I feel as though he has caused so much terror in my life, why should I forgive? It's the same as bottling it up... It's gonna kill me.
Listen to their stories. Listen to their sad stories. Understand why they're doing this.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Coping With Injury
I drew the conclusion that stress makes you fat. It's quite true in terms of the hormones released and inhibited when an individual is fat - hormones dictate where fat goes etc. But stress also causes stress eating. Self explanatory, yes? You eat when you are stressed.
And you may even find the same eating habits (and stress relief), that may contradict each other, in the same individual.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Future Generations
Don't succumb to the pressures of eating disorders like I did. You're better than that.
Breakfast: Pancakes - Healthy
Chillin in my jammies in the kitchen.... Anyways... This post is about pancakes.
- Adding some Rolled Oats in it.
- oats can add texture and more complex carbs to keep you fuller, longer. However if you don't like the texture of oats, I can suggest maybe soaking the oats in the almond milk and add it as a wet ingredients.
ex) recipe calls for 1c Almond Milk and 1/4c Oats. Soak the Oats in the Almond Milk THEN add it with the rest of the wet ingredients (like apple sauce, eggs etc) - Adding Apple Sauce, Pumpkin Puree or Pureed/mashed bananas keeps your WW pancakes moist.
- Normally, WW pancakes can be hearty and too savory, but adding the applesauce, nanner or pumpkin will prevent it from tasting too hearty. Of course, it adds flavor....
- Adding the above ingredients can also eliminate adding any sort of oil to your batter.
- The above ingredients can also sub any sweetener. - Water can be subbed for almond milk (cutting anywhere from 20-40cal, depending on serving size)
- I highly advise using Whole Wheat Flour.
- If WW is too much for you, then I advise White Whole Wheat flour, it can ease you into the transition, and quite frankly, I have a difficult time noticing the difference between WW and White flour in my cooking.- Accordingly, other flours can be subbed (ex. spelt) - You can add Protein Powder (Flavor of your choice) if you add more liquid to loosen the batter up accordingly.
Weekend shenanigans are mostly composed of breakfast. For me... I look forward to my weekend breakfasts, much. My weeks go by so quickly now, school is fast paced.
Serve with SF Maple Syrup and a bit of Agave
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Pretty in Pink
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
It's Sorta Funny
Learn. Learn. Learn.
You post recipes and workouts so others could read and try to utilize that back onto their own life. Right?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Cold Heart

Chickpea Curry Recipe
1c water
1 box mini heirloom tomatoes (half a TJ Box)
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp cinnamon
1 can Chickpeas
1 head Cauliflower
¼ onion diced
Butternut Squash (I used about a bag from TJ's)
Preheat your oven to 400F. Prepare a cookie sheet with seasoned butternut squash, onion and cauliflower. Stick the vegetables in the oven for 30min or until tender*.
While your vegs are cooking, bring 1cup of water to a boil with the heirloom tomatoes. Once your water and tomatoes are boiling, reduce it to a simmer(+).
Season the water and tomatoes liberally with salt and pepper. Rinse your chickpeas under water (RINSE THEM GOOD) and pat them dry. Toss them in the water (that should have been reduced) along with cinnamon, cumin and curry powder.
Are your vegs ready? Stick a fork in your butternut squash to make sure they're to your liking.
When your vegetables are ready, proceed with tossing them into your curry. And make sure they're all well incorporated (activate stirring). Toss them around nicely, then season again if needed.
Finally, you can serve now, or continue cooking together (it only gets better from here...unless your cauliflower gets mushy.) Just cook to your vegetable liking (i <3 texture)
Serve with...
- White/Brown Rice
- Ezekial Low Sodium Bread with Chutney/Jam (this is what I had)
- Quinoa (this is what I would've had)
*If you're like me, and you don't mind cooking everything together, I cook everything at once until the cauliflower gets tender, then I stick them in the pot together (regardless if the butternut squash is cooked). But if you'd prefer to get the roasty toasty taste, go ahead and roast the butternut squash first, for at least 20min then put the cauliflower in for another 10min then onions for another 5min, and everything should be cooked.
(+) Now would be the time for you to skin the tomatoes, they should peel nicely now.
(pictured here with tempeh, avocado and avocado smashed on an Ezekial toast)
Your meal is balanced, warm, and oozing with yums.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I think that they should hike up a fee/ request a donation for the adoption of this beagle to benefit the shelter for future animals. Shelters of all sorts could always use money to better their facility; it's much more settling to come to an animal shelter that's kept, unlike seeing dogs shiver in their concrete stalls.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I Feel My Heart Pounding....
The looming fear of knowing that you're constantly making mistakes, or the fortune of mistakes is all too realistic, haunts me daily. Of course I am able escape those ideas through exercising. Is that my fate?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tonight Tonight
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I lost my train of thought - per usual.
Claude Monet
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Forever I feel as though I am a shadow of what I can never come close to. The shadow you laugh at. I just want to be self-satisfied. I want to feel the confidence that carries everyone else, carefree.
Why Do You Do This?
I thought to myself, and thoughts raced through my head. I didn't even know why this happened. How this happened. When this first began...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
ventilation much needed.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Never Have I Ever
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Me Vs. The Pavement II
Thursday, October 6, 2011
sought help.
Green Monster
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
He Deserves This...
Steve Jobs 1955-2011
He was a legend. His impact will forever touch all of our lives, daily.
He was an innovator in all fields.
He believed in things no one else believed in.
He believed in himself.
Take a moment out and thank Steve Jobs.
Recognize his life.
Acknowledge his way of living.
Acknowledge his way of thinking.
But realize that his way is not your way.
He just found his way.
It worked.
find your way.
and challenge life.
Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs.
You deserve this break after eons of pavement, paved.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
sometimes things are good raw
Monday, October 3, 2011
Today: 15min warm up, 30min stairs, arms, abs.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Me Vs. The Pavement
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
her lips quivered at the mess she made, of herself and of her life. her eyes moved down towards the toilet to see the splatter of pastel colours. the different textures, the different colours that filled the bowl. and her eyes, swollen. her lips appeared as though she had been sucking on a pop too long and the perimeter of her lips seemed to have expanded. inflamed, her entire face appeared inflamed - like her life.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
This Week's Plan
Makes sense.. considering what you do know.
I'll use this as a journal to keep track of my schedule.
mon: 30min stairs, 20min run, 20min strength
tues: 10min jog, 20min HIIT (level5-8.6), 10min cool down
wed: break
thurs: (morning workout) 15min jog, 20min HIIT, 10min cool down
fri: 30min run, 20min stairs
sat: long run. TBD
let's see. the temptations of bulimia tug at the back of my throat.
but the excess at the back of my arm taunt me.
Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Skirt: BDG (rolled up)
Remember that feeling when you're super excited?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
wicked wicked.